Dance and shadow mono-per formance
Director: Gintarė Radvilavičiūtė
Choreographer & dancer: Dovilė Binkauskaitė
Composer: Rita Mačiliūnaitė
Playwright, text author: Virginija Rimkaitė
Lights: Vilius Vilutis
Premiere: 21st of March, 2024 in Klaipėda Puppet Theatre
Co-production of Šeikos Dance Theater
& Klaipėda Puppet Theater
“When you look at the dark for a long time, it starts to reveal contours.”
The performance is a man’s inner journey, a confrontation with his deepest darkness. It’s an encounter with a force that draws you in, making it very difficult,
sometimes even impossible, to break free. At times, this darkness becomes so overwhelming that it turns into a desire to simply not exist. However, if you dare to
face it, the darkness can become recognizable. Then, the outlines of concrete feelings and emotions emerge, allowing them to be named, accepted, released, or
simply allowed to be. While the darkness may not disappear, you can always find something to help you endure it, to survive, to move forward, and to balance it
with light. That something is your own body— your beautiful body that can dance. Ultimately, the desire to live is driven by the desire to act.
Dance and shadow mono-per formance Director: Gintarė Radvilavičiūtė Choreographer & dancer: Dovilė Binkauskaitė Composer: Rita...
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